- New experiment 1
Analog demodulation challenge
In order to deepen amplitude and frequency modulation and demodulation an experiment was designed.
- New experiment 3
New experiment 4
Placeholder for new experiment 4
- New experiment 5
- New experiment 6
- New experiment 7
- Demo style guide experiment
Optical QPSK
Optical QPSK transceiver, coherent detection, homodyn, Optical Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying ...
Spectrum analyzer demo
Start with your first steps to use the labAlive environment. Adjust some spectrum analyzer settings and see how the spectrum is displayed.
Noise bandwidth demonstration
This demonstration shows example signals interfered by noise with variable bandwidth. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a measure for the signal quality. Visually evaluate the signal quality and noise bandwidth!
- AM modulator for analog demodulation challenge
- FM modulator for analog demodulation challenge
Two-ray propagation
The two-path channel is a simple multipath propagation environment. Determine the channel impulse response and transfer function!
- Aliasing demo
- Aliasing in audio signals
Parabola illustrated
muss noch erstellt werden
See also: | LTI system | sinc | AM transmission - envelope detector | AM transmission - synchronous detector | Augendiagramm - Digital?bertragung bei optischem ?bertragungssystem mit Dispersion | QAM BER | Fourier transform dirac delta | Rect pulse Fourier transform | Pulse radar system | Morse generator | Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) AM Transmitter | Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) AM Receiver | Communication System Simulation |