An audio signal is modulated and the transmitted signal is logged to a file. Create the folder C:\labAlive\UHD manually before starting the simulation!
- An audio signal m(t) is streamed from the server. 44100_mono_demo.wave
- After six-fold upsampling the rate is 264.6 kHz.
- Every 2000 samples the modulation frequency changes, i.e. 7.56 ms.
- Within this time the value of the digital symbol determines the frequency shift, e.g. 3 V - 30 kHz.
- After a frame of 14 symbols the cycle is repeated, i.e. 105 ms.
- The transmitted signal s(t) is recorded to a file samples_short_0.dat at C:\labAlive\UHD.
- You might press F3 to accelerate the simulation speed (F2 to reduce it).
- Listen to the audio signal. Press F3 several times till real time audio speed is reached.
- A further simulation will be provided to transmit and receive the signal via USRP.
- A further simulation will be provided to demodulate the signal.

Transmitted signal samples are logged.