New experiment 6

The system: gain


To amplify or weaken signals, you can use the gain function. The way it works is as follows: a signal is fed into the gain, amplified and output again. The signal is not changed by this.



There are two different constructor variants. Once with the default value and once with a double value.

default constructor

defautl gain constructor

constructor with double value

gain constructor with double value


To call the method as well, it is set before the double value.

constructor with method

gain constructor and method

General available methods

There are also methods that can be used in general. The four common ones are mentioned here.

label - Names connections and blocks in the respective setting.

defautl gain constructor

name - Names modules in required settings.

gain constructor with double value

set - For example, scope settings can be set by code.

gain constructor with double value

show - Auto opens the measure display, e.g. Osci or PropertyWindow.

gain constructor with double value

Further assistance

If you want to read up some more, you should look here in the JavaDoc.

There are some experiments where you can take a closer look at the system gain.


Example for simulation just using constructor.
Example for simulation just using constructor.
Example for simulation just using constructor.


Example for simulation with complete methods.
Example for simulation with complete methods.
Example for simulation with complete methods.

General available methods

Example label
Example label
Use of the label function.
Example name
Example name
Use of the name function.
Example set
Example set
Use of the set function.
Example show
Example show
Use of the show function.


There are some experiments where you can take a closer look at the system gain.

Example with gain
Example with gain
Initialization of systems using explicit method names.
GainAmplified sine signal
1 (default)
Gain amplified sine signal with the value 1
Gain amplified sine signal with the value 1.5
Gain amplified sine signal with the value 0.5
Gain amplified sine signal with the value -0.5