Oscilloscope demo
Take your first steps in using the labAlive environment. Adjust some scope settings and see how the scope displays the signal.
Signal-to-noise ratio demonstrator
How does music or speech sound in different signal qualities? Recognize that it's the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that matters. Observe the visual and auditive impact of added noise.
Analyze audio signals
Analyze audio signals in the time and frequency domain. Play any music wave file, microphone line-in or signal generator waveform. This audio software visualizes the signal in an oscilloscope and in a spectrum analyzer.
Peak-to-average power ratio of signals
The Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of a signal is the peak power divided by the average power.
LTI system - RC low-pass filter
Measure amplitude and phase of the output sine wave signal using an oscilloscope. Compare the results with the transfer function representing the linear time-invariant (LTI) system.
Matched filter in digital communications
In this scenario, a pulse is sent and shall be detected at the receiver. It might represent a symbol for digital transmission or a radar pulse. The received pulse might be ...
Uniform quantization
How does music or speech sound for different quantization resolutions? Explore how the quantization error degenerates the audio signal and each bit per sample improves the Signal-to-quantization-noise ratio by 6 dB.
Non-uniform quantization
Explore how the use of compressors and expanders (companding) improves the signal quality compared to uniform quantization - especially for quiet voice. Logarithmic Laws - piecewise linear approximation.