To launch labAlive simulation applications you need a Java Runtime Environment supporting Java Web Start on your system. Here you can get more information about installing the right Java version.
Instruction Manual (German)
Figure out these questions using the online simulation:
- Calculate and measure the quantization error power!
- Vary the signal amplitude and determine the respective Signal-to-quantization-noise ratios.
- Vary the bit per sample resolution and determine the respective SNRs.
- What probability distribution does the quantization error (usually) have?
- What exceptions can occur to this probability distribution?
Listen to signals using the audio play measure (right click on wire):
- Check the sound quality for low signal amplitudes.
External links Wikipedia: Quantization (signal processing)
Click on source symbol |
Select and adjust input signal |
Click on Quantizer |
Vary the bit per sample resolution |
Right click on wire |
Open any measure for a signal |