QPSK signal generation
Comprehend how a QPSK signal is generated. Two bits are mapped to a symbol. Its phase shifts the carrier phase during the symbol duration.
QPSK transmission
Explore hands-on how a QPSK signal is sent and demodulated. Check the transmission spectrum for different pulse shapers. Vary further parameters like carrier frequency etc.
QPSK BER for AWGN channel
Explore the bit error rate for QPSK. Adjust Eb/N0 and measure the corresponding BER. Compare it to the analytical bit error probability. Vary the pulse shape - does it have effect on the BER?
QAM BER for AWGN channel
Analyse the bit error rate of M-QAM over an AWGN channel. Adjust Eb/N0 and the constellation size. Compare the measured BER to the analytical bit error probability.
QPSK BER - equivalent baseband
Measure the bit error rate for QPSK in high accuracy. Use this experiment to hands-on verify the analytical bit error probability as a function of Eb/N0. This app is optimized for high simulation speed.
Eye pattern & constellation diagram
Explore how the Eb/N0 ratio affects the eye pattern and the constellation diagram. And how faulty is a transmission system where a terrible looking eye pattern is measured? Learn more about this topic and try the corresponding simulation experiment.
Matched filter in digital communications
In this scenario, a pulse is sent and shall be detected at the receiver. It might represent a symbol for digital transmission or a radar pulse. The received pulse might be ...
How can transmission signals be kept within the assigned bandwidth? Find out with this tutorial and try out some filter settings on your own.
See also: | QPSK modulator | OQPSK | MSK | MSK (FSK konform) |