Pulse shaping and transmission spectrum

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One of the most important aspects in communication technology is keeping the signal, that has to be transmitted, within the assigned bandwidth. This is essential to prevent the transmission from being disturbed by its spectral neighbors and the other way around. This is where pulseforming has to be taken into consideration. A scale for the quality of a transmission is its Nyquist Bandwidth. In case of a QPSK modulated signal with a datarate of 1 Mbit/s the Nyquist Bandwidth is 0.5 MHz. This bandwith is the minimum that is necessary for the transmission. Otherwise the signal can not be detected properly anymore in the receiver.

The following picture shows a rectangular pulse created by a signal source with a transmission rate of 1 MBit/s.

source signal
Signal from the source before modulation and pulseshaping over time

Due to the modulation of the signal with a QPSK modulator, the length of the single pulses is 2 times of one bit duration. As you may know, sharp edged signals contain sine and cosine waves with high frequencies and high amplitude. This is why the spectrum of a signal, which consists of rectangular pulses, shows a extraordinary high powers beyond the Nyquist Bandwidth (-0.25 MHz - 0.25 MHz in this case). The necessary bandwith of a transmission can be manipulated by the application of filters.

Have a look at the images in the slideshow below to see the differences between rectangular shaped pulses, halfsine shaped pulses, sinc shaped pulses and root raised cosine pulses.

rect pulseshaping halfsine pulseshaping sinc pulseshaping RRC pulseshaping
Signal over time and transmission spectrum for systems with different pulseshaping filters

Having a look at the graphs of a transmission with halfsine shaped pulses you can see, that the central part of the spectrum may indeed require a larger bandwidth in comparison to a rectangular pulseshaped transmission, but in the area beyond -1 MHz and 1 MHz the powers fade away much earlier. Changing the shape of the basic pulse into a sinc shape nearly completely removes signal parts beyond +-0.5 MHz around the center of the signal. But this removal of high frequency signal components can lead to intersymbol interference (ISI) when filter length is limited.
Another option for a pulse-shaping filter is a filter with a root raised cosine (RRC) frequency response. that provides signal pulses. These filters are the most common filters in communication technology because they fulfill the criterions for a intersymbol interference (ISI) free transmission.

By tuning a digital root raised cosine filter in filter length the result can be enhanced much further. Check out the corresponding experiment and find out how different pulseshapers and a variation of their parameters affect the transmission.

1. Launch the Simulation

Click on the launch button to start the simulation. The block diagram and some control windows will show up.

block diagram spec
Block diagram of the simulation

2. Open Spectrum Analyzer

Right click on the signal path between the sender pulse shaper and the plus symbol where the noise is added. "Select Spectrum Analyzer". The analyzer window that shows the transmission spectrum will show up.

transmission spectrum
Spectrum of the transmitted signal

3. Vary the pulse shaper settings and monitor the transmission spectrum

By right clicking on the pulse shaper and the selection of "select system" in the appearing menu the filter can be changed. Try some different filters and watch how they affect the transmission spectrum. Left clicking on the pulseshaper opens a control window where filter parameters can be adjusted.

rectangle shaped pulse time domain
Basic pulse created by a rectangle pulseformer
spectra of rectangle shaped pulse
Power-density spectra of a rectangle shaped Symbol
halfsine shaped pulse time domain
Amplitude over time plot of a Symbol after being filtered by a halfsine-shaped pulseformer
spectra of halfsine shaped pulse
Power-density spectra of a halfsine shaped Symbol
sinc shaped pulse time domain
Amplitude over time plot of a Symbol after being filtered by a sinc-shaped pulseformer
spectra of sinc shaped pulse
Power-density spectra of a sinc shaped Symbol
root-raised-cosine shaped pulse time domain
Amplitude over time plot of a Symbol after being filtered by a root-raised-cosine-shaped pulseformer
spectra of root-raised-cosine shaped pulse
Power-density spectra of a root-raised-cosine shaped Symbol