Tx and Rx samples from/to file - USRP

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Transmit and receive samples from/to file with USRP

This experiment can be used to send a .shortc file filled with complex samples or to receive a signal with the USRP and save the samples to a .shortc file.

Transmit samples from file

The first thing you have to do is to set the "Rate (Bandwidth)" in the properties-window, because the experiment will restart to set the new rate properly.The restart will reset all other settings to default. This value is the sample rate for the ADC/DAC in the USRP.

After that you have to select the .shortc file you want to send via USRP. You can choose your file by clicking the "Select sample file" - button in the "Samples from File - Properties" - window.

The file-selector will open. Go to the location where your sample file is saved an choose your file.

The "Samples from file - Spectrum Analyzer" moves and shows the spectrum of your signal from the sample file if it is completely loaded.

Now you have to configure some parameters in the "Samples from file - Properties" - window which the USRP needs to send your file correctly.

Make sure that the transmission antenna is connected to the RF 1 - connector at the USRP

If all settings for transmission are set as required, the samples can be sent from file by clicking the "Start tx_samples_from_file" - button in the "Samples from File-Properties" - window.

Receive samples with the USRP and save them to a file

To receive complex samples and save them to a file you need to generate a new .shortc file or choose an existing file to overwrite with the new received samples.

If you want to overwrite an existing file, use the file-selector to choose the file you want to overwrite.

If you want to generate a new file, you have to use the "Signal logging" - function. You can open the Signal-Logger by right clicking on the arrow in the main window and choose "Signal logging"

The "Samples from file - Signal logging" will open and you have to click on the little gear on the right to open the settings.

Now you have to choose how many samples you want to save into your file. The "Number of samples" determines the duration of the reception process. After that, click onto the "Save As..." - button and choose a location and a name for your samples file. To generate the file, click onto the "Start save samples to file" - button.

Now you have to configure your receiver settings.

Make sure that the receive antenna is connected to the RF 2 - connector at the USRP

If all settings for the receiver are set as required, the samples can be received and saved into the file by clicking the "Start rx_samples_to_file" - button in the "Samples from File - Properties" - window.