Signal Spectra 1

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Instruction Manual (German)

Signal spectra

In this experiment the relationship between time- and frequency domain of different signals is examined.

You can choose from a variety of source signals. For example, let's select a rectangular waveform with 1mV amplitude and a frequency of 1kHz.

Select a source signal
Select a source signal

The selected signal can be viewed in the oscilloscope (time domain) and spectrum analyzer (frequency domain).

Square in scope
Sine in scope
Square in spectrum analyzer
Sine in spectrum analyzer

If needed, you could change the scaling on every measuring instrument by clicking on the little gearwheel on the upper right to gain a better view on the signals.

Adjusted scales on x- and y-axis
Adjusted scales on x- and y-axis

Can you consider which spectrum a triangle shaped source signal generates?

Let's see.

Triangle scope
Triangle scope
Triangle spectrum analyzer
Triangle spectrum analyzer