Amplitude modulation trapeze

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The modulating signal is fed to the horizontal input of the oscilloscope. The amplitude curve of the signal can be determined in the vertical axis. The amplitude of the signal is adjusted to produce a usable trapezoid.

Transmission Signal with modulation index of 1.
Trapezoid with modulation index of 1.
AM Trapeze Modulator
Visualization trapezoid


Settings to adjust the modulation index.
Settings to adjust the modulation index.

Basically, we use the sinusoidal signal as the input signal.The reason is that an audio track is mostly sinusoidal.

Ultimately, the Java application also makes it possible to check the shape of the trapezoid. Changing the modulation index changes the trapezoid. In the following table you can use the information gained from the AM section to prove your knowledge.

Compare the differences in the next experiment and try to explain why the respective signals look like this.

Modulation index Transmissionsignal Trapezoid
Transmissionsignal m = 1
Trapezoid triangle
Transmissionsignal m = 0.5
Trapezoid m = 0.5
infinitely large
Transmissionsignal m = infinitely large
Trapezoid m = infinitely large

Ultimately, the Java application also makes it possible to check other input signals. The trapezoid builds up very cleanly with a sinus function. However, changing the signal can also change the structure.

Compare the differences in the next experiment and try to explain why.

Transmissionsignal triangle
Transmission signal is a triangle.
Trapezoid triangle
The trapezoid generated by the transmission signal.
Transmissionsignal triangle m = infinitely large
Transmission signal is a triangle with infinitely large modulation index.
Trapezoid triangle with infinitely large modulation index
The trapezoid generated by the transmission signal.
Transmissionsignal sawtooth
Transmission signal is a sawtooth.
Trapezoid sawtooth
The trapezoid generated by the transmission signal.
Transmissionsignal square
Transmission signal is a square.
Trapezoid square
The trapezoid generated by the transmission signal.